Jaques Staunton Chess Sets 1849-1939

Jaques Staunton Chess Sets 1849-1939

Jaques Staunton Chess Sets 1849-1939 - A Collectors Guide, Alan Fersht, 30 p.

Alan Fersht is a biochemist, who has done pioneering research on protein synthesis. He is also a busy professor and now chairman (master) of his college Gonville and Caius in Cambridge. But after all Alan Fersht is also one of the world's most renowned experts and - probably next to Frank Camaratta - the ultimate authority on Jaques sets. Fersht has worked extensively on the history and style changes of the Jaques-Staunton figures and has edited two standard works, this book being the first published in 2007. It has set standards for the determination and dating of Jaques sets.
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