Romanian Chess Set, 1950-1970

Romanian Chess Set, 1950-1970

A very simplified yet elegant playing set with a specific form typical for Romanian sets from the 1950's up to the 1970's. The pieces have very stylised shapes. What is immediately apparent is the pragmatic, politically influenced hence non-religious interpretation of the bishop (calles "Nebun" in the Romanian language which translates to "madman" or "fool", thus being similar to the French "fou") and the king, which is reducing the pieces' shape to the very essence -  no mitre on the bishops, but heads in the opposing colour, no cross finial for the king. The shape of the queen is again very stylised and simple. No crenellations on the Rooks, but well-contoured rims on top and a very slim and elegant concave body. As usual, the center pieces of the design are the Knights (called "cal" in Romanian, which translates to "horse"), which, albeit very stylised, have visible eyes, mouths and maybe even nostrils, but no manes. Despite its simplicity a very noble and beautiful rendering of a knight, and as such a worthy representation of this chess piece. Sturdy pawns with no collars.
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